Tribute to Michael Lazaro

And All the Veterans of the Battle for Peleliu

September 15, 2024 is the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the battle for Peleliu. Peleliu was a bloody battle fought during World War II. Today, the battle is forgotten by many people. To us, the battle is significant because our uncle, Michael A. Lazaro, died on Peleliu.

You can read what we know about Michael's experiences here.

While we researched Michael's World War II experiences, we learned about many other veterans. They shared their stories with us. This site evolved into a tribute to all veterans of Peleliu. We have collected and published memories from Peleliu veterans here. We continue to update our site with stories from families of veterans who participated in the battle and welcome more.

You can also read a history of the Peleliu Battle or read our recount of visiting Peleliu 60 years after the battle.

We love to hear from our readers. Please send us an email and tell us what you think of our site.

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Michael Lazaro
George Thomas

About Us

George Michael Thomas is the founder of this website. He was born the day before his uncle, Michael A. Lazaro, was killed on Peleliu in 1944. Several years ago, he started to research his uncle's combat experience. The project provided some answers for his family, but it also raised more questions. He started this website with his family in the hope that a veteran who knew Michael Lazaro would see the website and contact us. That hasn't happened yet, but many veterans have shared their own experiences on Peleliu.

— Semper Fi